For the Warriors. And By That, I Mean All of Us

Some years ago, I started following Glennon Melton, the creator of I fell in love with her rawness, her frankness, her here-is-my-dirty-laundry-and-feel-free-to-show-me-yours-too approach. When I found out she was doing a signing for her book, Carry On Warrior, at the Barnes & Noble near my home in the D.C. suburbs, I told E he…

Books You [Maybe] Forgot to Read as a Child, and Should Read Now if You Did

A dear friend suggested I write this post. We share a deep and abiding affection for Anne of Green Gables, and it seems I am always saying to her about some childhood favorite of mine, “Have you read such-and-such? I can’t believe you haven’t read such-and-such! You simply have to!” “I could use [a list like…