I offer a wide range of editing services to individuals, nonprofits, and publications. I have been editing for 20+ years in the fields of journalism, education, and book publishing. Contact me for a quote.
Substantive Editing
Also known as macro, content, developmental, or structural editing. Includes an assessment of the overall manuscript and detailed recommendations for improving the content, organization, rewriting, and/or restructuring. This level of editing is negotiated at a flat rate, which depends on the scope and length of the project.
Copy and line editing
For each edit, I provide a thorough, line-by-line edit of the manuscript in order to achieve consistent style, improve flow and clarity, and correct grammar, usage, and mechanics. For fiction manuscripts, I also address inconsistencies in character portrayal, timeline variances, and issues with plot, setting, and point of view. My rate is $30/hour.
This level of editing includes checking for typos, misspellings, and punctuation errors, adherence to style, and verification of quotes and sources. My rate is $18/hour.
I use The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed., The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style, 4th ed., and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed., along with clients’ house style guides.
See my coaching page for more information on individualized writing help.
Books I’ve Edited: