Classic Potato Latkes

Every so often, I get a hankering for latkes, the savory fried potato patties that originated in Eastern Europe and are popular during Hanukkah. When that happens, I make a batch of them for dinner, and I manage to get away with a completely meatless meal. I fell in love with latkes not too long…


On Finding You’ve Become the One Thing You Always Wanted to Be

It’s strange, waking up one day and realizing you are just a step or two away from realizing the biggest goal of your life to date. Overwhelming. Surreal. That was me this morning. For eight months, I’ve been working on a novel. It will be finished in another month or so – approximately the amount…

What to Cook for Dinner this Week and How to Meal Plan When You Shop at the Farmers’ Market

Tomorrow morning, I’m making my first spring trip to the farmers’ market. I have no idea what I’ll find there, but I’m excited about the idea of what could be waiting for me. It may be that there will be asparagus. It may be that all I’ll find is piles of wintered-over vegetables. Either way,…

When the Role of Women in Church Becomes a Potential Deal-Breaker

You may remember me writing about how we’ve been church-homeless for going on four years, and how difficult it can be to find a church that feels like the right fit. Sometimes, God makes it really clear that you’re supposed to be part of a certain church during a certain season. Other times, he can…