Episode 3: Knowing Your Why and Finding Your Way

Knowing Your Why

As a homeschooling parent, it’s important to have a “why.” Not only that, it’s important to have a positive why. On the days when homeschooling gets hard (and there will be hard days, you can count on it), a positive reason for why choose homeschooling will keep you going. So how do you craft a positive why, even if your why feels less-than-positive–say, if you’re homeschooling because of COVID-19? We want to show you how to frame a positive why no matter what your reason for homeschooling this year–or any year.

Finding Your Way

We also know that families are unique. Like ours, yours is filled with individual personalities, learning styles, and interests. How can you tap into those differences to help you create a homeschooling environment and approach that works for your unique family? Hint: it’s about more than just curriculum, although curriculum can help you along the way. As Sarah Mackenzie likes to remind us, curriculum is a tool to help us. We don’t teach the curriculum; we teach our children. Charlotte Mason wrote, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life,” so it’s clearly about more than just curriculum. But if it’s not just about picking out curriculum, how do we go about identifying our own “way” to homeschool?

Why Choose Homeschooling?

Join Annie, Heather, Lindsay, and Harmony at The Relatable Homeschoolers as we talk about Knowing Your Why and Finding Your Way.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • Why you need a why
  • How to reframe a negative why into a positive why
  • Understanding your family’s personalities, learning styles, and interests can help you find your homeschooling “way”
  • How to make your homeschool part of your family culture, rather than conforming your family culture to homeschooling

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The Relatable Homeschoolers Episode 3: Knowing Your Why and Finding Your Way

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