
On Finding You’ve Become the One Thing You Always Wanted to Be

It’s strange, waking up one day and realizing you are just a step or two away from realizing the biggest goal of your life to date. Overwhelming. Surreal. That was me this morning. For eight months, I’ve been working on a novel. It will be finished in another month or so – approximately the amount…

When the Role of Women in Church Becomes a Potential Deal-Breaker

You may remember me writing about how we’ve been church-homeless for going on four years, and how difficult it can be to find a church that feels like the right fit. Sometimes, God makes it really clear that you’re supposed to be part of a certain church during a certain season. Other times, he can…

For When You’ve Lost Your Actual Life and Have to Make a New One

Jen Hatmaker wrote yesterday about missing her actual life, meaning her life at home with her people, the ones she knows intimately, lives with, sees face to face in the everyday, rather than her life as a traveling speaker and an online presence who connects with people via the Internet. Her words resonated with me,…