Banana Bread Oatmeal

The mere mention of oatmeal makes some people wrinkle their noses as though they just took a mouthful of something bad-tasting. But I truly believe you can’t go wrong with oatmeal, as both a good-for-you breakfast, and as a delight to your tastebuds. I’m not talking about that gooey, pastey stuff you had in your grade school cafeteria, nor am I referring to the instant just-add-hot-water oatmeal soup that comes in a brown paper packet. I’m talking about real, old-fashioned oatmeal, cooked in a pot on the stove until it’s just the right consistency.

Oatmeal, when cooked properly, should not be runny, mushy, lumpy, or chewy. It should be soft, but you should still be able to feel a hint of the the texture of the individual oats on your tongue. This means you have to mind it well as it cooks, but it’s worth it, and contrary to popular opinion, it doesn’t take long (unless it’s the steelcut variety, which is so worth the time. But I’ll save that for another post).

You can add so many things to oatmeal to make it yummy: dried berries, raisins, cinnamon, honey, chopped nuts, fresh fruit. Options abound. The version below is my sister Carla’s favorite. She actually gave me the idea indirectly because of her love of banana bread and banana pancakes. We are both banana people, and perpetually have a bunch of bananas on the counter in our respective kitchens. Neither of us ever throws away a too-brown-to-peel-and-eat banana, either. We toss it into the freezer to be used later, or find a way to cook it into something.
I tried this at home first, gathering brown bananas, walnuts, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg, adjusting the amounts until I got it the way I wanted it. When I went to Oklahoma for a visit, I made it for Carla. She ate it all. Then she made me write down the recipe. It’s become one of her favorite breakfasts. I hope you enjoy it, too.
Banana Bread Oatmeal

1 cup water
1 cup milk (2% gives a richer result, but you can certainly use nonfat)
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 large banana or two small, sliced (about 1 cup)
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
brown sugar or honey
more milk for serving

In a small pot on the stove, bring the water, milk, and oats to a boil. Add the banana, walnuts, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Reduce the heat until the oatmeal is gently popping and breathing, and stir constantly. When the banana has all but disappeared into the oats, and they are soft, but their individual texture is still just barely discernible, they are done. Remove from heat, ladle into bowls, and top with brown sugar or honey and a little milk.

Serves two.

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