What to Cook for Dinner this Week (March 31-April 6, 2014)

This week has hinted at spring. Yes, hinted, like a whisper you hear over your shoulder. “I’m coming,” it says. “I’m on my way.” Even though we had snow on Tuesday, it was all gone by Wednesday night. Today, it was 60 degrees and the kind of windy that will send you running across a parking lot or through an open field because you can’t do anything else but run with it or be blown away.

We bought a rail for L’s toddler bed tonight. I know it probably sounds counter-intuitive – why not just put the crib rail back on, you ask? To put it simply, because it looks like a crib rail. And loud objections will ensue. This rail looks different. This rail is has a see-through mesh panel and flips down with the push of a button. It looks less like a jail cell door. We bought to keep her from rolling out of bed. Because when she does, she can’t get back in on her own anymore, thanks to her new boots. And I am dying, people. Dying, I tell you. Sleep deprivation is killing me by inches. This is why I have been blogging at odd hours. I can’t pry myself out of bed at 6 a.m. when I’ve been awakened five times in the night. So – the rail. We’re hoping it helps. She’s asleep in bed as I type this, chained down by her boots and bar and hemmed in by a mesh rail and hopefully will not make a peep until morning.

Anyway, dinner. We’re here for dinner ideas, aren’t we? I haven’t forgotten. I’ve cooked some interesting things this week (there will be a hilarity-inducing discussion about turkey fingers on here next week), and I’m planning to share those with you over the next several days. But in the meantime, we need a menu for the next week’s worth of dinners.

Monday: Easiest Seafood Stew. Make a loaf of bread to have with it. Or serve it over linguine.

Tuesday: Spicy Fish Tacos. Friends, this is an addiction.

Wednesday: Pizza Margherita. I love homemade pizza on a Wednesday night. It’s a reason to look forward to “Hump Day.”

Thursday: Baked Lebanese Kibbeh and Simple Fattoush. If you’ve never had Lebanese, just trust me.

Friday: Takeout Night. We went to Chick fil-A tonight (L’s choice; we take turns and she always picks Chick fil-A). Last time we ate there, I ordered her usual 4-piece grilled nugget meal, and she literally scarfed them down in 6.8 seconds and was looking at me like, That’s all I get, Mom? What is this? So tonight, I ordered her a 6-piece meal, and she scarfed that down in 8.7 seconds and gave me the same look. I’m hoping we have a growth spurt going on, but I fear I am going to have to start ordering her the adult-size nugget meal. (Note: If she’s reading this, my sister is likely rolling her eyes in disgust. Because, a child who eats, people.) Sometimes, we just sit and watch L eat, our lower jaws resting on the table as we stare in awe. Because when she wants to, the girl can put it away.

Saturday: Ratatouille with Italian Sausage. I know, I know. You’ll have to buy zucchini and fresh basil out of season. But folks, I can’t help it. It’s French. It’s healthy. And I get cravings for it. So humor me.

Sunday: Braised Moroccan Chicken with Lemon, Apricots, and Olives. Serve this with some kind of grain – quinoa, bulgur, couscous. Yum. Fabulous flavors.

Weekend Breakfast: Overnight Raised Waffles. We haven’t had waffles in a while, and these are the best. Absolutement.

Cheers, everyone. Have a fantastic weekend!


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