31 Days of Being Broken Open

Throughout this lovely month of October, my favorite of all months, I’m going to participate in The Nester’s Write 31 Days challenge. For my topic, I’m choosing Being Broken Open.

Being Broken Open is about how God works on us, like oysters who need to be cracked so that the good within can be reached, so that our hearts expand and we are able to grow beyond ourselves (I talked a little bit about my oyster vision here). Being broken open means our capacity to love, to have compassion, becomes greater. Sometimes the process of being broken open is painful – we end up chipped and scarred and cracked. But always – always – it’s worth it.

I’m looking forward to finally getting back together with all of you for a little while each day. I’ll try to keep the majority of my posts on the short side, but there are some deeper stories that are just screaming to get of me, too, so I’m sure there will be some longer reads, too.

I’ll be updating this page every day with the latest post information, so that you can simply just come here to navigate if you want.

A Love Letter to All the Moms (and Dads) Who Go It Alone

When Jesus Breaks Through: Mercy House Kenya

For Women: Five Things NOT to Post on Facebook

For the Mom Alone in the Waiting Room 

For When We Need to Just Simply Love Someone

Savory Chicken, Sausage and Corn Stew

Mercy & grace~

Photo Credit: Abbi Skip   License: Creative Commons 2.0


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