BBQ Chicken, Roasted Corn and Pineapple Quesadillas

I wasn’t a quesadilla maven until I suddenly had a toddler who didn’t want to be fed but to feed herself, yet couldn’t yet use silverware successfully. She loves pizza with a passion, that toddler, but you can’t feed a little one pizza every night, not even homemade pizza (well, maybe you could, but chances are that would ruin her love of pizza).

And then there is my inner dinner snob, who says belligerently, “I am not going to serve Kraft Mac ‘N’ Cheese on any kind of a regular basis, or anything else made with a packet of powder that turns into sauce when rehydrated, or for that matter anything that could be mistaken for a can of not-much-more-than-sodium-and-preservatives, and my child is going to be well-rounded and not a kid-food eater because I just. won’t. let. her.” Ha! The joke is on me. Sure enough, I eventually found myself buying Organic Trader Joe’s O’s and uncured nitrate-free hot dogs because lately she is Miss Picky-picky and for Pete’s sake, I just want her to eat something other than watermelon. As if Organic Trader Joe’s O’s are so far above Chef Boyardee.

Just so you know, this is how she feels about watermelon. It’s a serious relationship.

Anyway, when you’re a mom, you just do what you have to some days to get by. And sometimes that’s Kraft Mac ‘N’ Cheese or spaghetti-O’s or hot dogs. Or a big ol’ bowl of watermelon. And that’s okay.

Yes, I have moments of guilt about giving L “kid food.” I have a deep, inner fear that the Trader Joe’s O’s, organic label aside, will cause her to refuse my homemade spaghetti. That chicken nuggets might mean she never eats another bite of that delectable chicken sautéed in browned butter from Mastering the Art of French Cooking. That too much Kraft Mac ‘N’ Cheese might make her reject the real thing (I have reason to fear this – no matter how good homemade mac ‘n’ cheese might be, E still loves the blue box version best).

I worry about ruining her palate – and her health, about instilling bad habits where processed food is concerned. For some moms, this isn’t a priority, but it is for me. Also, yes, I’m aware that there are books on how French kids eat everything (including things like stinky cheese), and I therefore have (warped?) expectations.

So like Luisa over at The Wednesday Chef, the main focus of my menu-planning these days centers around cooking for a toddler. And there are occasionally days when I really fall down on the job. I have a library of cookbooks (over 100 now) both modern and vintage, and I love trying new recipes. It’s one of my things. And sometimes, I pick a new recipe even when I have a gut feeling that L will reject it after one bite. And I know that if that happens, I’ll be stuck with Plan B, which if the cottage cheese is all gone, will be something from a box or a can. Which is by no means the worst thing in the world, and I’m probably too hung up about it.

I want to continue to cook new things, both to satisfy my own creative inclinations and so that L continues to be exposed to new flavors and textures. Each week, when I plan my menu, I aim for five L-friendly dinners (none of which could be classified as “kid food”). Quesadillas are always a sure win.

Usually, I make these. But recently, I got wind of the idea to use barbecued chicken and pineapple in quesadillas (thanks, Ree). After some messing about in the kitchen, I’ve come up with my own version, using extra BBQ sauce, pepper jack cheese (which adds a little kick, but not too much for L’s taste), fresh cilantro, and roasted corn. And of course, pineapple. We don’t have a grill at the moment (the poor thing is in storage back in Michigan, unfortunately, like so much of our stuff), so I cook both the chicken and the pineapple under the broiler (but if I did have a grill, I would definitely use it).

We top these with the usual – sour cream, fresh salsa, guacamole if I have good avocados on hand. L gobbles them up, and I feel good about that.

BBQ Chicken, Roasted Corn and Pineapple Quesadillas

1 ear corn, roasted in the oven for 25 minutes at 375° (I always plan to have corn the night before, and just roast an extra ear to use the next day. And if you can’t get fresh corn, Trader Joe’s sells bags of frozen roasted corn that’s perfect for things like this.)
1 package skinless, boneless chicken breast tenders
1 pineapple, core removed, sliced into rectangles
1 cup barbecue sauce (my fave is Sweet Baby Ray’s)
2-3 cups shredded pepper jack cheese
1 handful fresh cilantro, chopped
1 package flour tortillas (I like whole wheat for the extra fiber)

Preheat your grill or set your oven on broil.

Line the grill rack or broiler pan with foil, and arrange the chicken and pineapple on the foil. Cook for 5 minutes or until the underside is nicely browned. Turn and cook another five minutes, until the chicken is fully cooked and the pineapple is beginning to brown.

Preheat your oven to 350° (if you were grilling), or change its setting from broil to bake. (Note: you could also finish the quesadillas on the grill. Just watch them carefully so they don’t burn!)

Remove the kernels of corn from the ear with a knife.

Slice the chicken across the grain, and baste with barbecue sauce. Slice the pineapple into small chunks.

Arrange your bottom tortillas on a baking sheet, and baste with an extra layer of barbecue sauce (yum!).

Add the chicken and pineapple pieces, then scatter with some of the corn and chopped cilantro.

Top with enough cheese to cover, so that when the cheese melts, it will “glue” the quesadilla together.

Top with another tortilla, and press down gently.

Bake 10-12 minutes, until the tortillas are browned and the cheese is melted.

Cut into quarters (a pizza cutter works great for this) and serve with your favorite toppings.

Here’s a printable version of the recipe.


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