Episode 10: Building Confidence as a Homeschool Mom

Do you struggle with confidence as a homeschool mom? In this episode of The Relatable Homeschoolers, we’re talking about building confidence as a homeschool mom. As seasoned homeschoolers, we have all struggled with fear and worry at some point in our homeschool journeys. 

Whether it was in our early days of homeschooling or years later, as we began a new season (read: high school), we have all encountered the fear of wondering if we are doing the best thing for our children. If you are dealing with fear or worry, this episode is for you! Even if you feel confident in your current season, this episode will give you tools for those times when you don’t. 

Harmony, Heather, Annie, and Lindsay share what they do (and what they don’t do) when they are not feeling confident or are having a bad day or even a bad week of homeschooling. 

Take heart, homeschool mom! You are the mom for the job, and you are more than capable of homeschooling your children. Listen in as we talk about building confidence!

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • Our fears and worries (0:40)
  • What we do when we lose confidence (4:24)
  • What causes worry in our homeschools (8:39)
  • How we build confidence in our kids (9:24)
  • What we do when we don’t know what to do (14:38)
  • Where we find confidence-building inspiration (17:09)
  • How to find support for yourself as a homeschool mom (19:50)
  • Our best advice (23:20)
  • The books we turn to for boosting our confidence (26:32)

Links from this episode:

Click the play button below to listen:

The Relatable Homeschoolers Episode 10: Building Confidence as a Homeschool Mom

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