Episode 11: Welcome to Season 2 of The Relatable Homeschoolers

We’re Back! And we’re so excited to be bringing you Season 2 of The Relatable Homeschoolers podcast!

We’re kicking off Season 2 talking about how homeschool has looked for us during the pandemic. While our homeschools haven’t changed much, we share how our ability to do things outside the home has been affected. We miss going to the library and seeing our kids participate in sports. Lindsay also shares how, in her eight years of homeschooling, this is the first time she has ever been concerned about her kids’ socialization.

We share what we’re reading–there are a lot of books in this episode.

Homeschooling in the winter months often looks different in our homeschools, too. We talk about how in the winter we read more, bake more, do more crafts, and also have more screen time.

Finally, in this first episode of Season 2, we are talking about the importance of having regular breaks in our homeschool. Taking breaks is beneficial and allows us the space to evaluate how things are working in our homeschool. Additionally, breaks refresh us, and we are able to restart with better outlooks and after reflecting on our whys.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • What homeschool has looked like for us as the pandemic has continued (1:18)
  • How homeschooling looks for us during the winter months (8:23)
  • What we’re reading right now, with our kids as well as individually (16:27)
  • Why taking regular breaks from schooling is helpful to us (27:35)
  • What’s saving our homeschools right now (35:43)

Links from this episode:

Click the play button below to listen:

The Relatable Homeschoolers Episode 11: Welcome to Season 2!

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