Join us this week as we take a look at Annie Carlson’s homeschool.
Annie Carlson is a mom who wears many hats, one of them as the homeschooler of her three children in a self-teaching and self-directed style. Annie works as the primary farmer on her family’s grass-based farm, a part-time lay pastor, a part-time baker and caterer, and an author and speaker. She is rooted like a turnip to the plains of North Dakota as the third generation of her family to farm that land.
When Annie is not working, you can find her family outside with their many animals, waterskiing, hiking, camping, horseback riding, and gardening. They also love to read, craft, play board games and do puzzles.
In addition to being a member of this podcast (she compiles the show notes every episode), Annie also writes for The Glorious Table, a devotional website for Christian women.
Annie is full of inspiration and practical advice for busy moms. Join us as we get a glimpse into what it looks like to juggle a lot of jobs, a farm, and homeschooling.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
- How Annie got started homeschooling (1:02)
- What has changed in Annie’s homeschool over the years (5:01)
- How homeschooling has changed Annie (8:06)
- Annie’s greatest strength as a homeschool mom (10:52)
- The greatest challenge Annie has faced in homeschooling (13:01)
- What makes Annie’s homeschool unique (15:16)
- A typical day in Annie’s homeschool (18:08)
- How Annie chooses curriculum (22:10)
- Annie’s favorite homeschool memory (28:32)
Links from this episode:
- Managers of Their Home
- Craftsy
- Robinson Curriculum
- Blank graphic novel notebook
- Peterson Field Guides
- D-Day by Stephen Ambrose
- Ambleside Online
- Sonlight
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