Share Four Somethings Things I Love Monthly Link-up Heather Gerwing

Share Four Somethings January 2021

My friend Heather Gerwing over at Living the Full Life hosts a monthly link-up (a way for writers to post on a topic of the same thing and connect their posts) called Share Four Somethings–Something Loved, Something Read, Something Treasured, Something Ahead. Heather has been growing this post community for three years now, and I’ve decided to hop on the bus for 2021. (What can I say? I’m a late joiner; always have been.) Heather’s purpose with Share Four Somethings is to get us to find the good in our days, something I already try to do. I like the idea of choosing a few highlights to share here. So without further ado, let’s look at my four somethings for January.

Something Loved

Ironically, Heather had my name in a Christmas gift exchange, and she sent me one of the best exchange gifts I’ve ever received: a book puzzle, a funny notepad from Knock-Knock for recording your own tantrums on paper, and a tin of Harney & Sons Lunar New Year tea. I am in love with this tea. It has notes of caramel and almond with a hint of toasted coconut. I could smell it all day long.

Something Read

I’m in the process of wrapping up a read of Anne Bogel’s Reading People: How Seeing the World through the Lens of Personality Changes Everything. I’m going to teach a workshop on personality to some high schoolers this semester, as a way of helping them get to know themselves better as they get ready for the “real world.” Plus, it’s just plain fun. Interestingly, I’ve found myself wondering if I mistyped myself in the past by answering the assessments based on how I behave rather than who I am. I’ll retake some of the assessments with the teens as we go through the workshop, and I’m interested to see if I get different results.

Something Treasured

I am in a (hopefully unending) season of taking long walks, for both exercise and mental relaxation. Being outside in nature, breathing fresh air, and moving my body by walking for an hour as many days as I can fit it in has been crucial to my wellness these past several months. We recently discovered a wooded path that loops through part of our neighborhood, and I’ve been kicking myself that we didn’t discover it sooner. It has a paved trail, two bridges over creeks, and cuts through our neighborhood park. My favorite walks, the ones I treasure most, are when my eight-year-old joins me. We get to talk without interruption, and I almost always learn something new about the way she is seeing the world right now, at eight. I captured this photo of her on our most recent ramble.

Something Ahead

I’m excited to tell you that this Friday, I’m sending out the first issue of my new monthly newsletter. On the last Friday of every month, I’ll pop into subscribers’ inboxes with a handful of goodies: creative projects, life-giving practices, book recommendations, recipes, life hacks I’m using to make juggling all the things a little simpler, inspiration for writers and other creatives, products that bring me joy or make my life easier, and more. I’d love for you to sign up. You can do that here.

Last but not least, something else that’s ahead (as in next week) is an ebook release from The Glorious Table. A Path to Soul Rest: 40 Days to a Slower Pace is a collection of devotions with suggested Scripture readings and reflection prompts for thinking or journaling. If you observe Lent, the 40 short readings would be perfect for that. Follow The Glorious Table on Facebook or Instagram to be alerted when the download becomes available on Feb. 1.

It’s been a joy sharing my January four somethings with you! See you next month!

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  1. I am so giddy you have hopped on the bus!! I can’t wait to receive my first newsletter and for the devotional!!

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