Resolution 2014: Week 4 Check-in and Why the Scale Isn’t the Only Thing that Counts

I’m four weeks into my Back to Basics plan for the year, and this week, I’m checking in with real results. I have to admit, they surprised me. But first, let’s talk about the week that just finished.

I worked out five days, which is better than the four days I exercised last week but not as good as the six days I was shooting for. I didn’t log what I ate every single meal or even every single day, so I want to get back to that this week. We did indulge a little yesterday – I made our favorite from-scratch Sloppy Joes for SuperBowl dinner (we stayed home and E worked on his thesis throughout the evening, even though the game was on) and with them, we had homemade coleslaw, potato chips and onion dip. I also made a pan of my favorite brownies, but I managed to eat just one. All told, it wasn’t bad.

I completed three training runs, and while my original plan was to repeat Week 4 of the Couch to 5K app, by Saturday I felt ready to move on to the first run of Week 5. So I did, and it was good. This week, I want to focus on adding in more strength training. I know that’s a key piece. The tricky thing about being so focused on one kind of exercise (in this case, running) in order to hit a goal is that if you slip, you’re going to let the other parts of your program go. For me, that’s strength training and some weekly yoga.

I got on the scale yesterday morning and took some measurements as well. I was initially disappointed, because the scale didn’t move as much as I wanted it to. Then, I measured. Here’s where I’m at:

Month 1 Results
Pounds lost: 2
Inches lost: 7

Seven inches!

This, friends, is why it’s so important that you not rely solely on what the scale is telling you. Two pounds felt measly to me. But seven inches? Not so measly. Now, those seven inches are from all over – I take measurements of my upper arms, bust, waist, hips, and thighs – but every area was at least an inch smaller than when I began in January. This leads me to believe that I’ve put on some muscle, which is kind of the point. It’s not just about fat loss.

Yes, I would like to see the scale move more. And I’m holding out in faith that it will, if I stick with what I’m doing. But body composition, the way my clothes fit, and the way I feel are just as important. After a month of working out consistently and eating better, I feel good – more energized, more flexible, more together. Part of it is just state of mind, but that matters so much. When we’re taking care of ourselves, we have a greater sense of well-being.

How are your health goals for 2014 coming along? I’d love to hear how you’re doing! Drop me a note in the Comments below or PM me on Facebook.



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