The Blessings of Marrying Later

aug_harkema_marriageI’m over at The Glorious Table today as part of their current series on marriage, sharing about why marrying later in life isn’t a bad thing, but a package of special blessings. Join me there?

Dear Singles,

I see you. I know how much you long for a husband. Someone to hold your hand, kiss your sweet face, wrap arms of love around you. (And let’s be honest–someone to take out the trash, change the oil, and do the heavy lifting.)

He will be worth the wait, I promise. So will you, for him. And in all likelihood, your marriage will achieve a state of ease sooner than those girls you envy. You know the ones I mean–the ones who put twenty-seven bridesmaid dresses in your closet.

I’m not here to knock marrying young, please hear me on that. What I am here to do is to offer up why marrying later carries with it a unique bundle of blessings.

I met my husband two months before my thirty-fourth birthday. We got married two weeks before my thirty-sixth. I had my first baby at almost thirty-eight, my second at nearly forty.

I don’t feel late to the party. I feel deeply, profoundly thankful.

To read the rest of the post, please click through to The Glorious Table.

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