homeschooling exercise

Episode 4: Unplanned or Emergency Homeschooling

homeschooling exercise

In this episode, we’re looking at what to do when you find yourself unexpectedly thrust into homeschooling, whether that’s because of COVID-19, a family emergency, or some other scenario.

Emergency Homeschooling

Emergencies are not fun! Usually, there is panic, and emotions are on high alert! When your emergency requires you to reevaluate your children’s education–there are a lot of questions. Emergency homeschooling is not only possible, but you can succeed!

Even if you are only planning to homeschool for a year, it can be a fun and memorable year for you and your children. Our first piece of advice is to check with your local school district and figure out what the scope and sequence are for your child’s grade. Next, talk to your kids! When you give your kids a say in what they will be learning and how their days will look, they will buy in more fully to the idea!

If you are emergency homeschooling this year (or any year), please know it is possible, you are not alone, and that your kids will be OKAY! If you haven’t yet listened to Episode 2: Your Quickstart Guide to Homeschooling, that is a great place to start, as we answer some of the most-asked questions about homeschooling.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • Deciding to pull your kids out of public school on the fly (1:17)
  • How to get buy-in from your kids (1:49)
  • Where to get what you need in order to teach (1:49)
  • Our top 3 homeschooling essentials (11:07)
  • What is deschooling? (19:19)
  • Dealing with boredom and technology (24:18)
  • What’s saving our homeschools right now (29:18)

Links from this episode:

Click the play button below to listen:

The Relatable Homeschoolers Episode 4: Emergency Homeschooling

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