Share Four Somethings Things I Love Monthly Link-up Heather Gerwing

Share Four Somethings April 2021

It’s the last week of April, which means it’s time for another round of Share Four Somethings. I can’t believe how fast the month flew (I say that every month, don’t I?) We had a wonderful month celebrating Easter and my husband’s birthday. We seem to be in the cusp of summer here–it’s not hot yet, but the air has turned humid, which is always a sure sign that we’re about to enter Memphis’s toughest (in my opinion) season of weather. I’m thankful we’ve had a beautiful spring with plenty of outdoor time. But let’s get to it: Something Loved, Something Read, Something Treasured, Something Ahead.

Something Loved

I bought a new pen this month. Not just any pen, mind you, but a fountain pen. It’s a LAMY Al-Star, it’s turquoise (my favorite color), and it writes like a dream. I ordered it from Goulet Pen Company, a small, family-owned business, which makes me happy. I also ordered a whole host of ink samples in various colors (some are shimmery, and some are even scented), as well as a bottle of Herbin Poussiere de Lune, which is a lovely, mild shade of purple. Also, it’s French. Who wouldn’t want to write with French ink?

Something Read

I just finished up this amazing book of poetry, What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer. With breathtaking honesty, Baer covers every topic related to 21st-century womanhood: identity, work, love, marriage, motherhood, and more. So many of the poems in this inaugural volume resonated with me deeply. I try to make it a habit to always have one book of poetry in my morning reading basket and to read a poem every day. Some of my favorite poets include Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, Jane Kenyon, and Billy Collins. Poetry is said to work the mental muscles in a different way from prose, and I think this is true. I also read poetry to my girls every day, and always have. From Shakespeare’s sonnets to Lewis Carroll’s “The Jabberwocky,” they love the rhythm of poetry and how the words roll off the tongue. 

Something Treasured

I love being out in nature with my whole family, and while the girls and I get lots of opportunities for outside time together, we got in a few great nature hikes with my husband this month, too. We even checked out some new trails that are being built near our home. Memphis is surprisingly well-supplied with parks and trails all over the place. We know that making memories as a family is important to the health of our relationships, both now and in the decades to come. Getting out in nature together cements our relationships with one another and our relationships with God’s creation. Not to mention the benefits we real from fresh air and exercise. 


Something Ahead

Summer is coming, and that means Field Trip Fridays. During the summer months, as well as occasionally throughout the rest of the year, I try to take Friday mornings–and sometimes the whole day–off to spend with my girls. We get donuts at our favorite shop, then visit a museum, a park, the zoo, or the local botanic garden. It’s leisurely time to play, explore, and build our relationships with each other. We often hit the bookstore and grab lunch as well before heading home, tired and happy. Over the years, these summer Fridays have been among the most treasured of our ordinary days. 

Thanks for joining me for another month of Share Four Somethings! If you’ve enjoyed this post, consider signing up for my monthly newsletter, The Well-Juggled Life. It’s packed full of good things: recipes, book reviews, creative project ideas, products I love, beautiful words, and a specially curated corner just for writers and other creatives. The April issue comes out tonight. And if you don’t love it, you can always unsubscribe–no hard feelings! 

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  1. What fun to take some time off for field trips and doughnuts with your kids! Mine are grown now, but I loved exploring our town in the summer! Blessings on your weekend!

  2. I love the idea of “Field Trip Friday.” I think I may try to incorporate that into our summer plans. It sounds like a great way to check some things off the kids’ (and my) summer bucket list.

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