Resolution 2014: Week 1

They say it takes 30 days to make a habit, and that the first week of those 30 days, the actual work of getting off the ground, is always the hardest. If that’s true, then I’m relieved to say I’ve made it through the hardest part of this whole year.

I worked out six days, combining cardio and strength. I used DVDs on three days, the elliptical one day, and the treadmill two days. For weight training, I used free weights unless I used a video with a weights component. I completed two training runs on the Couch to 5K app (I started with Week 2 of the training program; I probably could have started on Week 3, but decided to give myself an easy start). I began push-ups training, and discovered I can do 25 push-ups from a standing position against a wall. I’ll continue to practice those for another week or two to build strength in my upper body, then move on to the next level.

I logged almost all of my meals, exercise, and water intake using the My Fitness Pal app, which enabled me to get a sense of my calorie intake at meals and changes I need to make for the long term.

So – progress. I have a routine down, getting in my workouts during L’s nap time, which falls conveniently during my lunch hour. Overall, I feel stronger already, and I have more energy. The accountability group is very motivating, and helped me remain on track every day. There was only one day when I really didn’t feel like working out, and knowing I had to report in to my group helped me push through. Afterward, I was so glad I did, because I felt really good for the rest of the day.

I’m waiting until the end of the second week to weigh myself and take new measurements, so I’ll report in on those results next Monday.

How’s your resolution progress coming along?

Have a fantastic week!



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